Create your first referral campaign

Way to go! At this point you've added events to your application, created rewards, and built conditions based on your events. You've also created a referral definition and are ready to have your users start making referrals. You enable that through referral campaigns.

A campaign tells Resonance which referral definition a sender should be sending out at any given time. You can write some copy to go with your definition, and pair the two together to create a variant. Campaigns are then able to serve one or more variants at a time. If you want to test different referral definitions, or the same offer with different copy, you can create variants that reflect that and put them all in the campaign. Resonance will weight the variants evenly when assigning them to a sender, allowing you to compare the effectiveness of each variant.

Campaigns also let you specify an audience. Audiences are just smaller groups of your users, filtered by conditions (yes, those same conditions we defined earlier!). Let's say you want to have some referral senders receive a higher reward on any successful referrals to thank them for their loyalty. In that case you're probably targeting users who have been around for a little while, so you could make a condition to check that a user has emitted a hypothetical Subscription Paid event at least 3 times. You could then use that condition to make an audience to attach to your campaign. That way only users who have been around for 3 subscription periods can get a higher sender reward on their referrals.

Additionally, you can specify start and end times for your campaign. If you only want it to run for a limited time, these fields will make sure higher-reward referrals aren't being created for users before or after those timestamps. If you don't include a start or an end, the campaign will start as soon as it's created and will not end until it's explicitly turned off.

You must also specify a fallback, evergreen referral campaign that all users can participate in. This prevents a user's referral code from breaking when there aren't any active campaigns that would include that user in their audience.